Tweet Equities
by Ian Prittie, P.Eng., CFA President, Independent Insight Inc. The latest stock market turmoil, in the fourth quarter of 2008 when stocks declined significantly, has left retail investors with a larger challenge than ever before. Many feel let down by their advisors, mutual funds, and the financial industry structure that is supposed to help [...]
by Ian Prittie, P.Eng., CFA President, Independent Insight Inc. The latest stock market turmoil, in the fourth quarter of 2008 when stocks declined significantly, has left retail investors with a larger challenge than ever before. Many feel let down by their advisors, mutual funds, and the financial industry structure that is supposed to help [...]
Tweet Analysis / Insights
On April 19th, 2010, the Department of Finance will be introducing what they describe as “measured steps to support the long-term stability of Canada’s housing market.” These steps are a number of changes to mortgage underwriting guidelines for mortgages that will be insured by CMHC, the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Genworth, a competitor of [...]
On April 19th, 2010, the Department of Finance will be introducing what they describe as “measured steps to support the long-term stability of Canada’s housing market.” These steps are a number of changes to mortgage underwriting guidelines for mortgages that will be insured by CMHC, the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Genworth, a competitor of [...]