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Discussing the investment case for Kinross Gold (K:TSX) with Bruce Campbell of Campbell & Lee Investment Management

Tweet Equities Update: This post was included in the Wealth Builder Carnival and the Carnival of Financial Planning As of November 21, 2010, spot gold had risen 18.48% over a 1 year period whereas the S&P/TSX Composite index had risen 11.89%. Over a 5 year period, the price of gold has risen 175.73% while the S&P/TSX Composite [...]

Update: This post was included in the Wealth Builder Carnival and the Carnival of Financial Planning As of November 21, 2010, spot gold had risen 18.48% over a 1 year period whereas the S&P/TSX Composite index had risen 11.89%. Over a 5 year period, the price of gold has risen 175.73% while the S&P/TSX Composite [...]

Blending Top Down Macro Economic Analysis and Bottom Up Stock Picking For Outperformance with Andrew Parkinson of Van Arbor Asset Management

Tweet Investing Professionals Biography: Andrew Parkinson is the Managing Director at Van Arbor Asset Management. He is responsible for the investment portfolios and the operations of the company. Prior to joining Van Arbor, Andrew was the president of Cundill Investment Research Ltd. Andrew has provided expertise to securities commissions, brokerage houses, custodians, transfer agents and mutual fund firms [...]

Biography: Andrew Parkinson is the Managing Director at Van Arbor Asset Management. He is responsible for the investment portfolios and the operations of the company. Prior to joining Van Arbor, Andrew was the president of Cundill Investment Research Ltd. Andrew has provided expertise to securities commissions, brokerage houses, custodians, transfer agents and mutual fund firms [...]

Discussing Investing In Income Producing Assets Like Bonds And Dividend Stocks with Benoit Poliquin, CFA of Pallas Athena

Tweet Equities Update: The post was included in the Carnival of Wealth and the Your Financial Independence Carnival Note: This interview was conducted on November 4th, 2010. Building on the approach and principles of Benjamin Graham, Philip Fisher, Warren Buffet, John Templeton and Peter Lynch, Benoît Poliquin strives to own shares of ongoing and valuable businesses. Owning [...]

Update: The post was included in the Carnival of Wealth and the Your Financial Independence Carnival Note: This interview was conducted on November 4th, 2010. Building on the approach and principles of Benjamin Graham, Philip Fisher, Warren Buffet, John Templeton and Peter Lynch, Benoît Poliquin strives to own shares of ongoing and valuable businesses. Owning [...]

Talking Smartphones, Netbooks, Technology, Cleantech and Life Sciences with Duncan Stewart, Director of Deloitte Canada Research

Tweet Analysis / Insights Note: This interview was conducted on October 22,d 2010. Changing gears, albeit slightly, today’s interview discusses macro trends in the Cleantech, Life Sciences and Technology spheres. Our guest and interviewee is well known analyst and commentator, Duncan Stewart of Deloitte Canada Research. Need we say more? Allright, fine we will but only to say: Enjoy! [...]

Note: This interview was conducted on October 22,d 2010. Changing gears, albeit slightly, today’s interview discusses macro trends in the Cleantech, Life Sciences and Technology spheres. Our guest and interviewee is well known analyst and commentator, Duncan Stewart of Deloitte Canada Research. Need we say more? Allright, fine we will but only to say: Enjoy! [...]

How To Manage Risk, Increase Income and Maximize Returns With Mohsin Bashir, CFA Of Highwater Capital Management

Tweet Equities Update: This post was included in the Cavalcade of Risk Managing risk using options doesn’t have to be a hard endeavour. In this interview, you’ll learn how one hedge fund analyst uses options to lower his average purchase price of a stock and boost the exit price, while collecting an income as a hedge. Furthermore, [...]

Update: This post was included in the Cavalcade of Risk Managing risk using options doesn’t have to be a hard endeavour. In this interview, you’ll learn how one hedge fund analyst uses options to lower his average purchase price of a stock and boost the exit price, while collecting an income as a hedge. Furthermore, [...]

Book Review & Interview with Jonathan Spall of How to Profit in Gold

Tweet Investing Professionals Update: This post was included in the Carnival of Wealth #12 Do you know that a single ounce of gold can be drawn into 50 miles of thin gold wire? Do you know what the London gold fixing is? Do you know that gold has its own interest rate market, where a lender places gold [...]

Update: This post was included in the Carnival of Wealth #12 Do you know that a single ounce of gold can be drawn into 50 miles of thin gold wire? Do you know what the London gold fixing is? Do you know that gold has its own interest rate market, where a lender places gold [...]

A Guide To Investing In Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) With Dennis Mitchell, CFA Of The Sentry REIT Fund

Tweet Equities Lets assume that low mortgage rates are here to stay for some time. What if one also assumed that there will continue to be a strong appetite for good-quality real estate? Well, if you put those two variables together, it’s not hard to envision an environment with lower cap rates. Lower cap rates drive Net [...]

Lets assume that low mortgage rates are here to stay for some time. What if one also assumed that there will continue to be a strong appetite for good-quality real estate? Well, if you put those two variables together, it’s not hard to envision an environment with lower cap rates. Lower cap rates drive Net [...]

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